Contragic Fine Arts | Ann Schomburg


Atelierrundgang go Kassel go Kassel go go go

time to say goodbye

its all over now, baby blue

last visitors

little boy (background) who ask me to wrestle with him later on,
but has never been shown up

the marina confusion

Videoinstallation: Ann Schomburg "Dancing with the skunk", Schaum und Rausch "Nabelschnur", Kati Liebert und Steffi Simmern "Juicy Juice", Ann Schomburg "Bildbetrachtung"

all they wanted from me was an empty bottle of champain, 2013

borrowed dog with marina & object 8

dog following orders

dancing with the skunk, accessorizes

kati in after work

Kati Liebert superstar

preview guest #2

preview guest #1

getting up for visitors

warm up

Warm up, getting ready for KASSEL and our amazing visitors*

finished now tomorrow can be

Testing the videoinstallation

test #2

light test
light test

me and Kati Liebert's Marina (from Mars Venus und andere Helden)

Rücken und schiebern yea!
